
  1. Use a clear and simple layout that grabs attention and is easy to read.
  2. It should be clear to anyone reading your CV where to find the information they’re looking for
  3. Use enough ‘white space’ to ensure they’re not overawed at first glance.
  4. Line up all the sections so that it looks tidy.
  5. Leave space for the content to breath.
  6. Use bullets point with short sentences rather than long paragraphs.
  7. Keep your resume short, 2-3 pages are the average length for a resumes.
  8. Resumes are typically reviewed in 20-30 seconds. Put those strong points first where they are easier to be read.
  9. Use the same font style through the whole resume. The common font-styles are: Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman.
  10. Font size should not be too large or too small - roughly around 11-12 pt.
  11. Use numbers to state your achievements, and use some powerful words that can help employers to remember your resume.
  12. Be unique. Include a special achievement about yourself, such as scholarship.
  13. Be creative with your resume. You can consider designing your own letterhead, it helps you stand out from the crowd.
  14. Emphasise what you can contribute to the company.
  15. Use professional terms and keywords. It will give an impression that you are professional and reliable.
  16. Start with action words like “performed”, “achieved”, “contributed”.
  17. Use the key words listed in the job ad to match them to bullets in your resume.
  18. Ask someone to review your resume. It is always good to get opinions from others. They often help you discover what you have left out.
  19. Proof read it again and again before you send it out. It will not look good if it has any mistakes.
